Saturday 29 November 2014

Handmade Christmas Decorations

In the weeks coming up to Christmas, I've been making my own decorations for our little tree.  I hoped it would get me back into the habit of making things for fun, and it's been working!  I've been inspired to make a great many more things, which I'll share soon.
Making my own Christmas decorations isn't a new thing for me, as I always used to make my own decorations when I was little.  It was only things like paper chain rings, or snowflakes that I'd cover in glitter and thread onto string to make curtains that I'd hang from the ceiling or the window frames.  Still, they were pretty, and it made me feel like I had a part to play in the celebrations.  As I say, I've always been a creative person, so this is just the next step.
These are only the first two decorations that I've created, but I do intend to make more and share them with you as soon as I have.  Depending on the reaction they get, I may decide to add handmade decorations to my Etsy shop for next year.

Beaded Wreath
 As I said in the previous post, I've been getting into beadwork and am currently having fun exploring the wonders of the Spiral Stitch.  I decided to use it to make my own wreath decoration.  Using (size 8/0) silver-lined seed beads (red for the core, dark green on the outside), I then began threading on random colourful beads and I even found an acrylic metalised star.  I also made a beaded loop at the top.
Here on the back, you can see the Spiral Stitch in more detail.  I think if I made it any bigger than it is, I might have to insert some kind of wire to stop it from drooping and help keep its circular shape.
Using the snowflake frame I used for the Frozen necklace, I made this.
Swarovski & Czech Crystal Snowflake
Each spoke has a galvanised silver (size 11/0) seed bead, a (4mm) silver Swarovski xilion bicone, a (4mm) Capri blue Czech fire-polished crystal, an (8mm) crystal Swarovski xilion bicone, another Capri crystal and another silver Swarovski bicone.  I bent the ends around into loops and hung a large jump ring from one, so I can hang it on the tree.
Close up
So, I hope you like my handmade decorations.  I'll try and get a photo of them in the tree when I've made some more.  We don't have a traditional tree, nor is it very big.  As I might have mentioned, I'm not really a Christmas person - but hey - any excuse to be creative!


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